H'60 Email Directory: S-Z 

Note: Hyperlinked name indicates a Classmate's individual website. 
These email addresses were tested in January, 2020 … and did NOT bounce back!! … or have been added since January, 2020. 
If you wish to add or change your email address, notify the webmaster or the class secretary.

Harvard is now beginning the process of discontinuing email forwarding. For more information see email forwarding FAQ and/or the July 27, 2022 letter from Philip W. Lovejoy. IF you use “post.harvard.edu” for your email, you will probably need to plan on changing your email and/or notifying your contacts.

Dr. James E. Sabin

Dr. David B. Sachar

Fred Safier, Jr.

Mr. Robert T. Sakowitz

Mr. Alan M. Samdperil

Mr. W. Thomas Samiljan

Mr. William F. Savale, Jr.

Mr. Shaun J. Scanlon

Mr. Stanley Scheff

Mr. William E. Schroeder, Jr.

David R. Scott, Esq.

Mr. John W. Sears

Mr. Richard L. Segal

Dr. Ivan A. Sellin

Mr. Marshall S. Shatz

Dr. L. Michael Sheehy

The Honorable John H. Shenefield

Mr. Martin E. Sher

Mr. John B. Shewmaker

Dr. Satish Devidas Shirali

Donald A. Shojai

Dr. George R. Siggins

Stephen A. Silard, Esq.

Harris J. Silverstone, Ph.D.

Mr. Ronald I. Simon, Ph.D.

Wharton Sinkler, M.D.

Dr. Leonard B. Skerker

Robert G. Slater, M.D.

Mr. Lawrence R. Small

Mr. Charlton S. Smith

Morgan Smith

Mr. Peter J. Solomon

Mr. Robert M. Solovay

Alan R. Spier, Esq.

Mr. Lionel B. Spiro

Dr. Edward F. Splaine Jr. 

Robert B. Springer

Mr. Charles R. Staley

Mr. Peter W. Stanton

Mr. Frederick A. Stare

Dr. Richard M. Steinzig

Mr. Terrence J.P. Stewart

Mr. James H. Stone

Dr. John L. Strand

Dr. John S. Sturges

Prof. Robert L. Sugar

Dr. Frederic Koehler Sutter

Mr. Edmund H. Sutton

Mr. Dennis E. Swartz

Mr. David R. Sweet

Dr. David L. Szanton

Dr. Edward C. Tarlov

Mr. Peter A. Tcherepnine

Mr. John A. Thompson

Dr. Nicholas S. Thompson

Mr. W. Kenneth Thompson

Dr. Jonathan Titus

Mr. Charles Toder

Mr. Norman H. Tolk

Dr. Imre Gerhard Toth

Paul Edward Touchette, Ed D

Frederick K. Trask III

Dr. Yong Uahwatanasakul

Mr. Julius G. Varallyay

Edward F. Vaughan, Esq.

Mr. Alfred M. Vinton, Jr.

Mr. Phillip A. Vultaggio

Mr. C. Gordon Wade

Henry Teofil Wadzinski, Ph.D.

Eustis Walcott, Jr.

Mr. Chauncey L. Walker

Mr. Harry M. Walsh

Wesley S. Walton, Esq.

Mr. Robert Warren

Charles Sylvester Washington, Esq.

Mr. George Hall Waterman, III

Dr. John B. Watkins

Mr. Stephen S. Weddle

Mr. Jerry L. Weidler

Mr. Robert Wells

Dr. Donald T. Wesling

Mr. Winthrop Wetherbee

Mr. Dennis L. White

Prof. George M. Whitesides

Mr. Grenville B. Whitman

Russell Whitman, Ph.D.

Mr. Peter O. Wilde

Mr. Robert N. Will

Mr. Alanson F. Willcox

Mr. John Taylor Williams 

Dr. Donald M. Wilson

Mr. John S. Wilson

Walter E. Wilson, III

Mr. Henry N. Winslow

Professor David Garrett Winter

Dr. Frank G. Witebsky

Mr. David H. Wizansky

Mr. Nicholas Wolf

Very Rev. Thomas Bullene Woodward

Kennard Woodworth, Jr.

Robert J. Wyman, Ph.D.

Mr. Michael Stephen Yesley

Dr. David Young

Mr. John F. Zeugner

Dr. Richard T. Zuerner


A-C    D-G    H-L   M-R