H'60 Email Directory: H-L 

Note: Some Classmates may have an individual website listed as well. 
These email addresses were tested in January, 2020 … and did NOT bounce back!! … or have been added since January, 2020. 
If you wish to add or change your email address, notify the webmaster or the class secretary.

Harvard is now beginning the process of discontinuing email forwarding. For more information see email forwarding FAQ and/or the July 27, 2022 letter from Philip W. Lovejoy. IF you use “post.harvard.edu” for your email, you will probably need to plan on changing your email and/or notifying your contacts.

Richard Haddad, Esq.

Laurence Michael Hager, Esq.

Mr. Samuel A. Halaby, Jr.

Robert H. Hallowell, III

Mr. Kirby W. Hansen

Mr. John H. Harbison

Mr. Thomas M. Hard

Mr. Richard L. Harkness, Jr.

Ross J. Harris

Mr. Joseph S. Hayes, Jr.

Dr. John C. Hedreen

Gary S. Heifetz, Esq.

Mr. George Heimler

Rev. Dr. Orrin M. C. Hein

Mr. Melvin L. Heineman

Dr. Ralph H. Henderson

Dr. Patrick Henry

Dr. Stanley K. Henshaw

Dr. T. Walter Herbert

Dr. James H. Herndon, Jr.

Mr. Francis Lee Higginson

Mr. Earl W. Hildebrandt

Dr. Edward W. Hildreth, III

Mr. Rupert Hitzig

Mr. David W. Hoffman

Mr. Barry August Hoglund

Prof. Lincoln S. Hollister, Ph.D.

Dr. Richard B. Holmes

Mr. Anthony S. Hooker

Prof. Edwin A. Hopkins, Ph.D.

Dr. Paul Horwitz

Mr. Oliver A. Houck

Mr. Philip B. Hudner

Mr. Anthony Hume

Dr. Michael H. Humphreys

Dr. Joseph K. Hurd, Jr.

Mr. August T. Jaccaci, Jr.

Laurence S. Jacobs, M.D.

Mr. Dale A. Jenkins

Mr. Paul R. Jeschke

Prof. David G. Johnson

Reverdy Johnson, Esq.

Mr. Philip H. Joslin

Dr. H.B. Kaltreider

Mr. David H. Kamens

Peter B. Kane, M.D.

Mr. Chitranjan Kapur

Mr. John Katz

Mr. James A. Kealey, Jr.

Mr. William G. Keene, II

Mr. Joseph A. Kenary

Mr. Davis L. Kennedy

Dr. Langley C. Keyes

Mr. David A. Kipp

Paul G. Kirk, Jr., Esq.

Mr. John Kirsch

Dr. J. Philip Kistler

Mr. Bert Kneeland

Jonathan Knowles

Mr. William S. Lamont

Mr. Arthur L. Lane

Mr. Joshua H. Lane

Dr. Daniel Larner

Mr. Peter W. Lawrence

Dr. Robert S. Lawrence

Dr. John E. Lawyer

Mr. Andrew M. Leaf

Dr. C. Michael Lederer

Richard S. Lee, Ph.D.

Mr. Timothy Leland

Dr. Fred M. Leventhal

L. David Levi M.D.

Dr. Myron J. Levin

Dr. James S. Levine

Mr. Herbert F. Lewis

Dr. Peter R. Lewy

Dr. Stephen Lichtenbaum

Burton B. Lieberman, Ph.D.

Dr. Richard Siegmund Lindzen

Mr. Robert M. Linn

Dr. John R. Lion

Mr. Charles E. Lister

Mr. Thomas W. Lloyd

Dr. Edwin A. Locke, III

Mr. John W. Lord, Jr.

Prof. Joseph L. Love

Rev. James R. Low

Keith D. Lowe, Ph.D.

Mr. James H. Luetje

Dr. Robert E. Lynch, III

Laurence A. Lyons, Ph.D.


A-C    D-G    M-R   S-Z