H'60 Email Directory: A-C 

Note: Some Classmates may have an individual website listed as well. 
These email addresses were tested in January, 2020 … and did NOT bounce back!! … or have been added since January, 2020. 
If you wish to add or change your email address, notify the webmaster or the class secretary.

Harvard is now beginning the process of discontinuing email forwarding. For more information see email forwarding FAQ and/or the July 27, 2022 letter from Philip W. Lovejoy. IF you use “post.harvard.edu” for your email, you will probably need to plan on changing your email and/or notifying your contacts.


Mr. Robert C. Abbe

William S. Abbott, Esq.

Mr. Michael J. Abramovitz

Mr. Stefan D. Abrams

Mr. John P. Adams

Mark K. Adams, Esq.

Mr. Robert W. Adams

Dr. Bruce M. Alberts

Mr. Dennis K. Allen

Dr. Richard Allison

Dr. William L. Alworth

Mr. Bruce R. Anderson Jr.

Mr. Horace Andrews

Mr. Daniel B. Aron

Dr. Irwin Avery

Dr. Earl R. Babbie

Dr. Andrew D. Bacher

Dr. Thomas C. Bagnoli

David Mark Balabanian, Esq.

Mr. Alexander C. Bancroft

Mr. James R. Bassett

Mr. John Bassett

Mr. Edward M. Baum

Mr. William Bayer

Christopher Tappan Bayley, Esq.

Dr. John Eliott Beebe III

Dr. Francis Anthony Beer

Mr. David B. Beizer

Mr. George W. Benedict II

Mr. Peirson S.P. Bennett

Mr. Merrill C. Berman

James E. Bernstein, M.D.

Dr. Thomas L. Bertone

Blair Ferguson Bigelow

Mr. Samuel S. Bishop

David J. Blattner, Jr.

Dr. Stuart R. Bless

Mr. William C. Boeckeler

Mr. Robert L. Bogomolny

Waldemar H. Boldt, Jr.

Mr. Richard A. Bonarrigo

Mr. Rogers A. Bond

Joseph A. Bosco, Esq.

Mr. Henry Reid Bourne, Jr.

Dr. Roger Even Bove

Mr. William S. Bradshaw

Mr. Robert C. Bray, Jr.

Mr. John B. Briley

Dr. Bennet Bronson II

Dr. Peter Brooks

Mr. Gary Brooten

Mr. Bernard M. Brown

Dr. Michael G. Brown

Dr. Stanley G. Brown

Bartle Bull, Esq.

Dr. Leslie B. Buncher

Rev. Brad Bunnin

Fenton J. Burke, Esq.

Mr. Jose A. Buscaglia

Mr. Roberto Buso-Aboy

Dr. Paul A. Buttenweiser

Arthur S. Cahn

Mr. David H. Call

Mr. Pericles D. Caminis

David L. Cappiello, M.D.

Frank S. Carbone, Jr. M.D.

Mr. Bruce Carr

Mr. Nicholas J. Carrera

Dr. David S. Chapin

Dr. Theodore Chase Jr.

Dr. Peter S. Chen

Richard S. Chute, Esq.

Dr. David Harris Cohen

Mr. James N. Connor

Alford W. Cooley, Esq.

Dr. Joel D. Cooper

Mr. Jay N. Cooperson

Mr. Robert J. Cotton

Mr. James H. Crampton

Mr. Thomas J. Cramton

Mr. George Crawford

Mr. Philip A. Creery

Mr. Edward L. Croman

Albert F. Cullen, Jr., Esq.

Mr. William J. Cunningham, Jr.

Lt. Col. Thomas Pelham Curtis II

Edward J. Cutter, Esq.

D-G    H-L    M-R   S-Z