Harvard Class of 1960: Need for Replenishment of Class Treasury
DONATORS (2021-2022)
Abbe, Robert Abbot, William Abrams, Stefan Adams, John Adams, Robert Alberts, Bruce Allison, Richard Andrews, Horace Berman, Merrill Bernstein, James Bertone, Tom Bradbury, Miles Brooten, Gary Brown, Stanley Buttenwieser, Paul Chen, Peter Clark, Jeff Cunningham, Bill David, Bob Deitch, Ken Dunbar, Bart Farina, Robert Fisher, Robert Fishman, Ken Foltz, Bob Gingold, George Goodman, Ron |
Gordon, Bob Greene, David Greene, Richard Haddad, Richard Hallowell, Bob Hanson, Kirby Heifetz, Gary Heineman, Mel Johnson, Reverdy Joslin, Philip Kennedy, Davis Kirk, Paul Kirsch, John Leland, Tim Levine, James Lieberman, Burton Lindzen, Richard Maier, Charles Marshall, Kenneth McVaugh, Michael Moehlman, Michael Murphy, Joe Murphy, Paul Papesch, Peter Percy, Alan Phifer, Ken |
Pollard, Alan Ratchye, Boyd Rinzler, Alan Riskin, Carl Robbins, Lee Rubin, Robert Sachar, David Scott, David Segal, Richard Simon, Ronald Sinkler, Wharton Smith, Morgan Solomon, Peter Spier, Alan Spiro, Lionel Sturges, Jon Toder, Charles Toth, Imre Vinton, Alfred Walker, Chauncey Walton, Wes Warren, Robert Weddle, Stephen Wilmerding, John Wilson, John Winslow, Henry |
Dear Harvard Class of 1960 Classmates,
The time has come to replenish our Class Treasury!
Here is the situation:
Net expenditure over the past 7 years = ~ $2,000 per year!
Our Treasury has been reduced from over $23,000 to under $10,000! Details are available on our website under “H’60 Treasurer’s Reports” under “Class Business”.
We have not requested dues or donations for years, and if this request for support is successful, it could be our last. Our hope is that many will respond in amounts from $5.00 to a maximum of $150.00.
Anticipated is a continuing annual net expenditure of at least $2,000! Anticipated expenditures include maintenance of our website, support of our annual Class luncheons (hope we can renew these in spades, post-pandemic, soon), support of Crimson Society events (non-quinquennial reunions -- See, https://alumni.harvard.edu/reunions/haa-crimson-society --), preparation for our 65th Reunion, etc.