David Sidney Sand

David Sidney Sand was born on September 1, 1939, to Sidney and Lois (Peterson) Sand. He was the first of three boys in the family.

David was baptized and confirmed at Woodale Lutheran Church in St. Louis Park. He graduated with honors from St. Louis Park High School, where he was a member of a class of only seventeen, in 1956. During his time in high school, David was a member of the debate team and earned the title of best negative debater in the state! In the July after his graduation, David was one of 6 winners of the World Affairs Contest conducted by the Minneapolis Star Tribune. David traveled to Washington DC, met the then President, Richard Nixon, and toured the FBI Headquarters and met J. Edgar Hoover.

David earned a scholarship to Harvard College where he began his collegiate study. David, a member of Eliot House and the Harvard Class of 1960, was at Harvard for 2 years and then transferred back to Minneapolis to the University of Minnesota to finish his undergraduate work in chemical engineering and to earn a master's degree in chemical engineering.

On June 24, 1963, David enlisted in the United States Air Force. He started his career at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, was also stationed at the SAG base in Nebraska, the base in Okinawa and spent 2 years in Australia. After 16 years in military service, David returned to Minnesota and went back to school completing his master's in business. He worked for Texas Instruments in Texas for a year before returning again to Minnesota. David worked at the United States Post Office in downtown Minneapolis until his retirement. He lived across the street at the River Towers and loved being in downtown Minneapolis.

David loved to travel and took many vacations on the Amtrak train. He loved trains so much and was an avid reader about trains. He saw many parts of the US on train, as well as traveling by train to many parts of the world in his military service. David loved to read newspapers, had a subscription to 5 daily papers and made several trips to local libraries every week. David was a communications specialist and loved to work with radios, stereos, and other forms of communication. He loved to listen to Classical music and kept meticulous records of how many times he played each of his music recordings. David also loved to take photos and share them with others. He took many pictures of scenery in Australia and other parts of the USA. David loved to read and explore places in books.

David entered Catholic Eldercare in March of 2021. His health was failing, and he needed support for his everyday needs. During his time at the Elder Care facility, he loved to watch TV, and look at pictures that he had taken, and other family pictures that reminded him of earlier days. He stopped reading because his vision was not good. He listened to the TV and used a magnifying glass to see what he could read.

David passed away on Monday July 24th, 2023, with family at his side. He is survived by brother Douglas (Linda) Sand, Harold Sand, and many cousins.