This luncheon was initially planned as an informal affair, inclusive of both Harvard & Radcliffe Classes of 1960 classmates plus significant others. Not expecting to have enough folks to meet the minimum requirement (20) for a private room, we planned to find a table or tables in one of the dining rooms, order off the menu and hope for separate checks (based on receiving separate checks when we were at The Chateau back in November 2023). Well, twenty-one (21) signed-up, we took the leap and, for the ninth time, reserved the still available Wine Room.
Turns out that several folks had to cancel. We had fifteen in attendance. The Chateau was VERY nice to us! They charged us only for the actual food and drink ordered by the fifteen who did attend.
Those in attendance were Robert Abbe & Elizabeth Baker (Abbe), Peter & Shirley Chen, Ken Deitch, Dorothy Howells, Fred & Jean Leventhal, Henry & Jean Marcy, David Ries, Richard Saval, Ed Tarlov, Liia Vilms and Steve Weddle.
We divided up between two tables set for eight. Everyone was able to order what they desired off of the menu … and monetary contributions at the end of the gathering added up to $6.07 OVER what was required to pay the bill (not counting the room rental which was gratis care of the Harvard Class of 1960). All seemed to enjoy re-unioning; there is always something very satisfying about being with folks with whom you shared a significant common experience years ago!
REMEMBER! Our 65th Reunion, June 4 – 6, 2025, is rapidly approaching!