Bertram G. Waters III

Bertram Gordon Waters, III, 85, of Brookline, MA, died on September 7, 2023. He was born April 16, 1938, in Boston. Bert was a lover of beauty in all forms: words, art, music, and nature, especially water. He was an avid sailor, having learned at an early age. For a time, he reveled in having a boat of his own, “Southern Cross”. For the past 40 years he spent a part of every summer in Padanaram Village, MA, swimming and walking the beach at Barney’s Joy. He loved sharing this special part of Buzzards Bay with friends and family. He was thrilled when his grandchildren were old enough to toddle down the beach, jump a wave, or sail with him.
Bert also spent a fair amount of time enjoying fresh water. During his days at Kent School, he was a member of the crew that won the New England private school rowing competition in 1956 and went on to compete in the Henley Royal Regatta. He eventually took up kayaking and spent hours navigating waves or rapids. Cycling and walking were his go-to exercise when he couldn’t be near water.
His love of the English language led Bert to receiving a B.A. in English Literature from Harvard College where he was a member of Eliot House and the Class of 1960. After a brief stint in the US Army, stationed in Germany, he began his career as a reporter, then was an editor with The Boston Globe. He was awarded a one-year Ford Foundation Fellowship in the United States Congress, where he worked for Senator George McGovern, researching and writing a report on poverty in America. Throughout his life Bert was a voracious reader, and he followed the news carefully. He was always up for a good discussion of politics, books, art, and ideas.
After directing a charitable foundation for several years, he switched to business and became the first marketing director for what was then Peat Marwick (KPMG) in New York. Bert spent the rest of his career in professional services marketing and started his own marketing consulting firm.
Bert felt strongly about giving back to causes and organizations he believed in. Over the years he served on the boards of the Harvard Club of Boston, The Public Theatre, and Boston Institute of Psychotherapy. He was the Graduate President of The Fly Club (Harvard) from 1987-1991. He volunteered time to Mistral Music, S.C.O.R.E., the U.S Census, and many Democratic political campaigns. He was a huge supporter of Barack Obama and was elated when Obama won not just one, but two terms.
Bert is predeceased by his mother Elena Brown Waters, his father Bertram Gordon Waters, Jr., his sister Holly Zalinger, brothers Robert and Christopher Waters, and his son, Gordon Waters.
He is survived by brother David Waters and wife Bitsy, Charlottesville, VA and another brother, Richard Waters and wife Mary Cuthbert, Noank, CT; his son Mark Waters, Hyannis, MA and grandchildren Aislind and Preston; his daughter Lisa Johnson and husband Everett, Concord, NH and grandchildren Reece and Cooper; his daughter in- law, Anna Waters, Sydney, Australia; grandson, Andrew Morse; and, his former business and long-time life partner, Victoria Arnold.
Bert requested any donations be made to Mistral Music: