David B. Luke

David B. Luke, age 81, of Minneapolis, died on June 18, 2020. David was born October 29, 1938 in New Castle, Pennsylvania. He prepared at Shaker Heights High School, Shaker Heights, Ohio. Characterized in his obituary, published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, as “a Harvard man in jeans”, David was a member of the Harvard College Class of 1960, was affiliated with Adams House, majored in English, and received his A.B. degree from Harvard in 1961. He taught English Literature at the University of Minnesota for 40 years. David was a lover of books, an elegant orator, and a gentle soul. He was kind to all animals and a lover of dogs. David is sorely missed and deeply loved. He is survived by son, Gavin Luke; daughter, Meghan Luke Dugan; brother, Randall Luke; sister, Charlotte Christian; and three grandchildren. A small commemorative outdoor gathering was held at Lakewood Cemetery on Wednesday, June 24.
See David’s upbeat entry in our 60th Anniversary Report.