Thomas H. Denney

Thomas H. Denney of Salem, Oregon, born on May 6, 1939 in Los Angeles, died on July 3, 2019. He prepared at Grants Pass High School, Grants Pass, Oregon before matriculating in 1956 at Harvard where he was a member of Dunster House, and from which he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in history. In 1966, Tom received a Juris Doctor degree from Willamette University and then served as attorney representing the prosecution in criminal cases in various capacities for the State of Oregon until he retired in 1997. He devoted, in his own words, “my post-retirement time to travel, amateur singing and drama, and catching up on the (serious and light) reading, and (mostly classical, Broadway and folk) music to which I have meant to get for many years.” Some will remember Tom’s gorgeous singing voice experienced at an evening gathering in Harvard’s Quincy House courtyard at one of our reunions when he soloed the second verse of “Fair Harvard”.