The Country Club, Brookline, MA
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Forty-six (46) Harvard & Radcliffe Classes of 1960 and significant others attended a brunch at THE Country Club (TCC) in Brookline on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, a beautiful day, the day before the first day of summer. Anne Robertson, widow of our late beloved classmate, Phil Robertson, and TCC member, graciously agreed to sponsor us at this lovely location. This brunch reestablished our tradition, begun in 2003, of including, in an annual event, our Radcliffe Class of 1960 classmates and our and their significant others. This was the seventh year (2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2018) in which we held this event at THE Country Club.
Everyone was eagerly anticipating the coming season while also being cognizant of the increasing meaningfulness of these gatherings. Those in attendance included Robert Abbe & Elizabeth Baker, Bob & Pam Adams, Jerry Amero, Dev Barker, Harris Berman & Ruth Nemzoff. Perry & Diane Caminis, Peter & Shirley Chen, Lou Geoffrion, Dorothy Howells, Joe Hurd, David Kopelman, Tim & Julie Hatfield Leland; Gerry Levenson, Fred & Jean Leventhal, Dick & Nadine Lindzen, Jim Low, Nancy Macmillan, Henry & Jean Marcy, Bill & Carole Markus, Ken Marshall, Tare & Susan Newbury, Peter Papesch & Gail Patt, Don Quinn, David Ries, Anne Robertson, Erika Keller Rogoff, Richard Saval, Gardner & Libby Stultz, Liia & Jaak Vilms, Henry & Pauline Wadzinski and Steve Weddle.
Following the brunch, many of the attendees, along with other classmates and significant others unable to be at the brunch, proceeded to Harvard’s Memorial Church to celebrate the life of Dan Phillips, classmate and major contributor to the Harvard Class of 1960 and to Harvard generally.