Harlow Russell III

Harlow Russell III died October 4, 2007, in Rochester, New York. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 31, 1937.He attended Winchester (Massachusetts) High School. At Harvard he lived in Eliot House and was active musically as a member of the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra, Pierian Sodality, and Hasty Pudding. He received his A.B. with the Class in 1960 and then completed an M.S. in hospital administration at the Columbia School of Public Health in 1962.He worked as a hospital personnel officer and then as a nursing home administrator in New Jersey, and in 1968 moved to Rochester to become a planning associate for the Genesee Region Health Planning Council. In 1970 he joined the administrative staff at the Rochester Health Network, where he remained for more than a decade.In his later years he dedicated himself to the (Anglican) Third Order, Society of Saint Francis, as a professed religious member. His volunteerism spanned thirty-five years of service to the church and human rights advocacy organizations.He enjoyed league bowling with the Rochester Historical Bowling Society and singing in the Rochester Gay Men's Chorus, on whose board he served. He was survived by a daughter, Elizabeth "Biddy" Remick; a son, Charles; two sisters, Susan Bombieri and Victoria Caleb '64; and his former wife, Katharine "Kitsy" Winthrop '60.Reprinted courtesy of the Harvard Alumni Association Class Report Office from the Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1960 Fiftieth Anniversary Report. |