Joel Melvin Linky

Joel Melvin Linky died May 4, 2009, in Wimauma, Florida.He was born June 24, 1938, in Long Branch, New Jersey, and graduated from Asbury Park (New Jersey) High School. While at Harvard he lived in Eliot House and belonged to the Hasty Pudding, receiving his A.B., cum laude in government, with the Class in 1960. He then went on to the Business School for his M.B.A., completed in 1962.After graduation he joined Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc., the New York advertising agency, and later worked for many years as sales consultant with Reitman Industries, a firm marketing wholesale wine and spirits to restaurants, bars, and other purveyors of alcoholic beverages along the Jersey Shore.He was survived by his wife of forty-seven years, Susan (Wagman); two sons, Brian and Matthew; a brother, Donald, J.D. '72; and two grandsons.Reprinted courtesy of the Harvard Alumni Association Class Report Office from the Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1960 Fiftieth Anniversary Report. |