John Krajewski

Francis John Krajewski, of Chelsea, Massachusetts, died August 9, 2009.He was born in Boston on April 12, 1934, and prepared at Boston Latin School. A member of Dudley House while at Harvard, he received his A.B., cum laude in Germanic languages and literatures, with the Class in 1960.After graduation he worked for Blue Cross Blue Shield in Boston, and later, while pursuing a J.D. at Cleveland State University, was a regional group and pension manager for Bankers Life and Casualty Company in Cleveland. He returned to Boston in 1971 to work for John Hancock Life Insurance Company.He was a navy veteran. The Class has no current information about his career or surviving family; at the time of our Decennial Report he listed a wife, Joan (Bielski), whom he married in 1961; a daughter, Sara; and two sons, Keith and Mark.Reprinted courtesy of the Harvard Alumni Association Class Report Office from the Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1960 Fiftieth Anniversary Report. |