Stephen Fordyce Kissel

Stephen Fordyce Kissel died on December 20, 2015 after a short illness.From New York City, he prepared for Harvard at Phillips Exeter Academy, graduating, as a member of Eliot House, with the Harvard Class of 1960.Stephen married Jennifer Hooper in 1963, was a writer, and lived for many years in England. For the last few years of his life, Stephen was a tenant in the small village of Kames, Tighnabruaich, in Argyll, Scotland.According to Niall Kennedy, a member of the family from whom he rented, Stephen was a very quiet and private man and a good tenant and respectful neighbor. During his time in the village, Stephen pursued his great passion for painting and also enjoyed playing golf in the summer.The family believes his final years were contented ones. They wish their condolences be passed on to Stephen's classmates.Provided by an acquaintance in Scotland. |