Andrew Lewis Griffin

Reported by ClassmateANDREW LEWIS GRIFFIN '60scl, Ph.D. '69, died March 23 in Berkeley, CA. He was Associate Professor Emeritus of English at UC Berkeley, where he was on the faculty from 1967 to 1999.A specialist in 19th century British literature, he taught courses in Romantic poetry, the Victorian period, autobiography, and film. His publications include scholarly articles on Wordsworth, Frankenstein, and John Stuart Mill. He also served as Assistant Chairman of his department and Associate Dean of the undergraduate college at Berkeley.Entering Harvard as a prospective mathematics concentrator, he quickly gravitated to English literature and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year. He began graduate work at Princeton but completed his doctorate at Harvard with a dissertation on the aesthetic theory of Sir Joshua Reynolds.His marriage to Margot Uman Kenney '60 ended in divorce. He leaves two sons, Benjamin and Toby, his companion, Grace Liu, and a sister, Mollie Gregory. |