Stephen Cushman, Ph.D., 75, passed away Saturday, May 3, 2014, at his home in Briggsville, WI.
Stephen was born Aug. 16, 1938 in Boston, Massachusetts, and was raised in Vermont. He performed his first organ recital at the age of 13. Stephen was the youngest to pass the American Guild of Organists exam at 14 and was a church organist since then. He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1956, cum laude from Harvard University in 1960, N.E. Conservatory of Music with a degree in organ and choral conducting in 1963. He earned his Ph.D. in musicology: history and literature from Boston University in 1973.
He taught at P.E.A. during the summer school in 1956 to 1969 and at B.U. pursuing his doctoral degree. He taught at Wheaton College from 1975 to 1990 and also served as the head of the Music Department.
Stephen gave multiple concerts on the organ in many churches and colleges. He also played the piano, harpsichord and stringbass. As church organist and choir director he wrote and arranged hymns and cantatas. He also wrote music for orchestras. He was listed in Who is Who in America and Internationally. His doctoral dissertation was read in Italy and Russia. Stephen enjoyed painting landscapes and also abstract mediums. He received his first award at 17. He started gardening as a child and wherever he lived he had "garden." He was a true master gardener.
Stephen became a believer in Jesus Christ at the age of 20. He studied the Bible in several languages and knew most of the Scriptures by heart. To his friends he became "the answer man" and he mentored many to a deeper understanding of their faith.
He was well educated in history, literature, politics, music, art, geography, religions of the world and he loved to share his knowledge. In spite of his giftedness he was a very humble man. He knew where his talents came from including his language abilities.
His parents, David Cushman and Hariette Smith Cushman preceded him in death. Also his younger sister, Anne Emery.
He leaves his wife of 48 years, Wasthi Brannstrom Cushman; sons, Mark and Erik (Julie Watson); grandchildren, Matthew, Payton, Emma, Sara, Jacob, Aidan, Benjamin and Luke; his brother, John (Barbara) Cushman; niece, Jerry-Ann; and nephew, Kristoper.
To honor Stephen's memory give to the Christian organizations he supported through the years: Samaritan's Purse, Jews for Jesus, Medical Ambassadors or the Voice of the Martyr's.
Portage (WI) Daily Register