Daniel Ezra Cohen

DANIEL EZRA COHEN '60cl died December 31 in Sarasota, Fla. He was advertising manager of the Crimson while at Harvard and went on to a 30-year career with several major ad agencies. He contributed to well-known advertising campaigns for such brands as Coca-Cola, John Hancock, and Grey Poupon and won a Clio Award as a copywriter for Sony Electronics. He was former chief executive officer of Lowe-Marschalk San Francisco and former director of marketing for Price Waterhouse. After retiring to Sarasota he served as president of the Sarasota Institute of Lifetime Learning, secretary of the Harvard Club of Sarasota, and interim publisher of the Longboat Observer. He leaves his wife, Lynda Lee (Rubens), two sons, William and Daniel, and a sister, Beverly Peterman.Harvard Magazine- May-June, 2002 |