Richard Earl Blumsack

Richard Earl BLUMSACK, a lawyer and real estate developer of Somerville, Massachusetts, passed away on April 19, 2016.He was the dear son of the late Joseph and Dorothy Blumsack. He is survived by his loving sister, Cynthia & her husband Richard Gilman. He is the devoted and adored father of daughter, Marcy & husband Mark Shneyder, son David Blumsack, son Alex & wife Michelle Blumsack, son Eric & wife Kerri Blumsack and the grandfather of his beloved 9 grandchildren, Talia, Tobin, Tabitha Shneyder, Samantha, Shelley, Jack, Carly, Callie and Brady Blumsack. He also passes with much appreciation and respect for Linda Blumsack and her unyielding love and support to their four children.A graduate of Phillips Andover Academy (Class of 1956), Harvard College (Class of 1960, cum laude in government and a member of Winthrop House) and Harvard Law School (Class 1963), he then practiced law in Somerville for over 40 years.He was listed in Who's Who in American Law and was well respected in the profession for his integrity and strong work ethic.He was a great 3rd baseman and an avid boxer in college, and loved attending Super Bowls with his close friends and Red Sox games with his kids.He grew up in Somerville and loved the city giving a lot of his time and effort to support local charities and sporting teams. He will be best remembered for his kind heart, generosity and sense of humor.In lieu of flowers we ask you to please donate to The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research or The Kiwanis Club of Somerville.A graveside service was held for family and friends at Temple Beth Shalom of Cambridge Cemetery at 232 Fuller Street, Everett on Monday April 25th.