Paul Charles Altmeyer

Paul Charles Altmeyer of New York City, formerly of Boston, an award-winning TV producer-reporter, died on March 1, 2011 after a brief illness, at Roosevelt Hospital in New York.Born (October 29, 1936) and raised in Boston, Mr. Altmeyer was a longtime resident of New York. He graduated from Boston Latin School, Harvard University (a member of Dudley House and the Class of 1960, Paul majored in history) and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. As a high school hockey player, he led a delegation of students to the State House, where they saved the Boston Arena for future hockey players.Mr. Altmeyer worked for many news organizations, including The Boston Globe, WGBH Boston, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., ABC News and NBC News. He was also an award-winning documentary writer and won an Emmy and the Robert F. Kennedy Award for Excellence in Journalism.Despite living in New York, Mr. Altmeyer never lost his passion for his hometown sports teams. He enjoyed reading and writing.Mr. Altmeyer is survived by three sons, Paul Jr. of Norfolk, John "Jay" of Rye, N.Y., and Douglas R. of Boston; a brother, Jack of Cazenovia, N.Y.; his former wife, Marie Callahan of Rye, N.Y.; and four grandchildren.From the Boston Herald, Sunday, March 6, 2011